The Children, Youth & Family Liaison (CYF Liaison) is a team of dedicated people who have either lived with or supported a loved one who lives with mental illness and/or addiction. The CYF Liaison is committed to helping families work together with and provides information to both San Diego’s Family and Youth Sector and the Administration of the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Children’s System of Care.
In other words, The Children, Youth & Family Liaison expresses the authentic voice and values of families engaged with the SD County Behavioral Health Services by bringing feedback from families to the County Administration. The CYF Liaison also takes information on best practices, programs and support from the County and makes sure it gets to San Diego families.
In this way, we serve as the link (the liaison!) between the community and the providers.
The Children, Youth & Family Liaison provides an informative website, blog posts, Free workshops, webinars and training events, speakers and focus groups so families can find the help they need, and learn to use their own voice to assist their family’s return to a state of positive health.
The CYF Liaison is here to help!
The CYF Liaison Provides You With:
- Speakers
- Focus Groups
- Activities