This TED Talk video originally appeared in 2013 after Liza Long’s blog post ‘I am Adam Lanza’s mom’ went viral. The issues Liza speaks of in this important talk affect families to this day, meaning stigma is still alive.
Reducing stigma has always been one of our major goals at NAMI. Because of stigma, people and families sometimes avoid seeking out the help they need. Families experiencing stigma feel blamed, frustrated and unsupported. Because of stigma, treatments for mental health conditions often aren’t as well developed as those for other mental health conditions. Stigma tends to be worse for children of low-income and minority families, meaning providers who may not understand the family’s culture may not be able to help the family as effectively. As a result, these children may receive even less effective care.
To learn more about Liza Long and read her blog, please click here.
In 2016, Liza’s son Eric gave a TED Talk on Living with Bipolar Disorder, which can be viewed below. *Please note: This video describes some of Eric’s treatments while hospitalized, and later while in jail, which may be triggering to some people.