This article was written by Elaine Houston and originally posted on You can view the original post by clicking here.
Helping children become aware of the ways in which thoughts can influence emotions and behavior is one of the most valuable lessons we can bequeath.
At a time when social, cognitive and emotional development is expeditious, reframing counterproductive thinking and the beliefs that underlie that thinking is integral to navigating the emotional and personal challenges experienced during childhood.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help children to reframe how they identify, interpret and evaluate their emotional and behavioral reactions to negative experiences.
Realizing that emotions and behaviors can be regulated and managed is empowering and can lead to improvements in self-control, emotion regulation, coping skills, and emotional awareness during this critical developmental stage.
The following article will explore the research and efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for children, the childhood and teen issues that CBT may help to address, and the benefits of using CBT with children and adolescents.